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2024 Statutory Review

The 2024 Statutory Review of the Building and
Construction Industry Training Fund and Levy Collection Act 1990 (WA)


The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund and Levy Collection Act 1990 (WA) (Act) establishes the Building and Construction Industry Training Board (Board) and the Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (CTF).

The principal functions of the Board include the collection of levies payable under the Act, the administration of the CTF, and the provision and support of training programs and research directed towards the improvement in the quality of training and the increase in the number of skilled persons in the building and construction industry.

Section 32 of the Act requires the Minister to undertake a review of the operation and effectiveness of the Act every five years.  The Minister is required to have regard to three matters identified in s.32(2) in each statutory review, together with any other matters that the Minister considers relevant.

The Honourable Simone McGurk, Minister for Training and Workforce Development; Water; Industrial Relations, appointed an independent Chair, Mr Tom Dixon, to undertake the Review. Ms Kylie Armstrong has been appointed as the Executive Officer of the Review.

The Minister approved terms of reference for a statutory review on 17 January 2024.  In addition to the three terms in s.32(2), the Minister included two terms which carried over 10 items from the 2014 and 2019 statutory reviews, as well as an additional term concerning the issue of diversity in the building and construction industry.

tiling apprentice

Review Process

The Review has undertaken an extensive process of information gathering over the course of 2024, including by way of industry consultation, engagement of experts for the provision of advice, and the receipt of written submissions from stakeholders and interested parties.

Written submissions were received in May 2024 response to the Review’s request.  Those contributions were analysed and considered. The submissions are available below.

The Review published an Issues Paper in September 2024 which summarised the position of the stakeholders and called for further submissions to address certain issues.

It is expected that the Review will report to the Minister for Training and Workforce Development by late October 2024.

Issues Paper

The Review invites further submissions from interested parties in response to the issues raised in the Issues Paper. The Review does not seek any repetition of submissions already made.

The Issues Paper does not attempt to identify all matters that are in issue. The Terms of Reference have been ordered in this Issues Paper according to the level of importance attached to the issues by the key stakeholders.

The process involved in calling for further submissions and taking them into account invariably means that the Review may yet arrive at conclusions in respect of matters that are not foreshadowed in the Issues Paper.

The closing date for submissions in response to the Issues Paper is Friday, 11 October 2024.

Submissions should be provided via email to

Timeline of the Review

Information Sessions with Review Chair for Key Stakeholders

  • 21 February 2024, 27 March 2024, and 4 April 2024

Opening Date for initial Submissions

  • 1 March 2024

Closing Date for initial Submissions

  • 17 May 2024

Issues Paper published

  • 16 September 2024

Closing Date for submissions in response to Issues Paper

  • 4 October 2024

Final Report to the Minister for Training and Workforce Development

  • October 2024

Consultation Chronology

Submissions Received in May 2024

1. NAWIC WA Submission

2. ABN Submission

3. BGC Housing Group Submission

4. Dr John Byrne AM EOC Submission

5. Kais Hire Submission

6. Matt Dolan submission

7. Master Painters and Decorators Australia Submission

8. Woodside Energy Submission

9. SMTAFE Submission

10. Australian Energy Producers Submission

11. CME Submission

12. NFIA Submission

13. Jarrimber Submission

14. CTF Submission

15. HIA WA Submission

16. Fortescue Submission

17. Unions WA Submission

18. Motivation Foundation Submission

19. CFMEU Submission

20. CCF WA Submission

21. MBA WA Submission

22. AMEC Submission

23. Kavanagh Submission

24. Jones and Eades Submission

25. Carey Group Submission

All submissions received will be posted on the Statutory Review webpage. The submitter can request redaction of any commercial in confidence information contained in the submission.

Submissions Template

Relevant Correspondence

  1. Letter to CTF 28 March 2024
  2. Response from CTF 13 May 2024
  3. Letter to CTF 27 August 2024
  4. Response from CTF 2 September 2024

Downloads and resources


Enquiries can be made by using the form below, contacting Ms Kylie Armstrong on (08) 9244 0100 or by email

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Acknowledgement of Country

The Construction Training Fund acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land throughout Western Australia and pay our respect to the Elders both past and present. We thank them for their ongoing custodianship of the lands and waters, and celebrate their rich culture of art, song, dance, language, and stories.