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Career Taster Program

Inspire high school students to get curious about a career in construction and explore what's available. Help them make the connections between practical education and post-school career opportunities, with a pathway into a favourable future.

The Career Taster Program has been co-designed by the WA Department of Training and Workforce Development with the WA Department of Education, WA TAFE colleges and industry. This joint initiative is for parents, schools, training providers, students and employers.

The Program challenges students’ thinking and sparks curiosity. It's designed to provide young people with valuable skills to help them navigate training and employment.

The Career Taster Program is offered to Year 9 students and encourages them to explore the early stages of career discovery. By understanding the study pathways, they can make educated decisions about their selections in high school.

The program supports students in many ways:

✓ Extends thinking and skillset via hands-on activities

✓ Provides an understanding of trade skills

✓ Encourages meaningful experiences with the world of work and the construction industry

✓ Helps students become work-ready

✓ Focuses on exploring career opportunities via science, maths, health and language school subjects

Be part of the Career Taster Program and access these benefits from CTF:

Construction Futures Centre Excursion

Visit our Construction Futures Centre for an informative, guided tour of the industry. Students can interact with the exhibits and explore trades. Engage in practical activities, play educational arcade games and immerse in VR simulators to gain an understanding of the variety of careers in construction.

They are able to get a glimpse into the life of an electrician, plasterer, plumber, HVAC technician, bricklayer, glazer, carpenter and so much more!

School excursions are available to book upon request. Visits are on weekdays between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, with age-appropriate learning experiences and resources. Bookings are essential and free.

Our centre excursions are:

✓ Entertaining and educating

✓ Helpful for students to manage career awareness

✓ No cost to parents, students or schools

✓ Ideal for Year 9, 10, 11 and 12 students

✓ Flexible for schools to adapt and develop delivery models

✓ Highlights the current and future job and career pathways

Industry Training Advisor Incursion

Have a qualified Industry Training Advisor (ITA) visit your school for valuable student support.

ITA incursions are part of our Career Taster Program to uncover career opportunities. As an expert in the field, ITAs have worked and breathed the construction industry and share their tips and experience with schools, students and their parents.

These events run at any school and can range from a short talk with students to an hour long presentation.

The benefits of ITA incursions are:

✓ Adjustable based on the school’s requirements and availability

✓ Skilled support

✓ Uncover different pathways to set students up for success

✓ Shared industry news and workforce needs

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Acknowledgement of Country

The Construction Training Fund acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land throughout Western Australia and pay our respect to the Elders both past and present. We thank them for their ongoing custodianship of the lands and waters, and celebrate their rich culture of art, song, dance, language, and stories.