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Industry Or Community Initiative Application Form

Terms and Conditions

1.1 Eligible Organisations

Applicants for Industry or Community Initiative sponsorship support must have active and direct involvement in the West Australian construction industry or community, and may include:

  1. Membership organisations and Peak Bodies
  2. Government Departments
  3. Charitable organisations
  4. Non-for profit organsiations
  5. Community organisations
  6. Organisations focused on physical and/or mental health

1.2 Funding

Applicants must outline the amount of funding they are requesting in their application form and provide a clear outline of the in-kind marketing benefits and estimated value that will be provided to CTF in return.

1.3 Invoicing

Once an application has been approved, CTF will make payment upon receipt of a valid tax invoice

Invoices should clearly state:

  1. Event or Initiative description and date
  2. Sponsorship Funding Amount
  3. GST

1.4 Application

Organisations granted sponsorship funding must agree to formally recognise CTF as an event or initiative sponsor. Tier or level of sponsorship (i.e. Naming rights sponsor, Gold Sponsor) and benefits will be agreed upon as part of the application, proposal, approval and agreement process.

To be considered for Industry or Community Initiative sponsorship support organisations can apply directly to CTF via the application form above.

Applications must be submitted at least 5 months prior to the event date to allow for assessment of application, approvals, processing of payment and inclusion of CTF in the promotion of the event, to fully maximise marketing benefits provided to CTF by the applicant.

1.5 Promotion, publicity and event participation

Where appropriate CTF is to be provided a minimum of four (4) tickets for relevant representatives to participate in the event or initiative.

CTF will provide an electronic logo suite for use on relevant award event marketing collateral.

If promotional material and information is provided by the applicant, CTF will promote the awards event on its social media channels and any other suitable platforms.

Post the awards event any relevant media and photography is to be provided to CTF for marketing and promotional purposes.

1.6 Contract Management

All sponsorships over $10,000 will require the owner/applicant to draft a legal contract that clearly outlines the terms and conditions of the sponsorship agreement and the deliverables to be provided by both parties and provide a post campaign report after the event or initiative.

Failure by the applicant to deliver all the benefits agreed to upon approval of the sponsorship, may result in the request for a negotiated full or partial refund of sponsorship funding.

Upon approval of the sponsorship the applicant will do nothing to impair, prejudice or diminish the good name or reputation of CTF with its provision of the sponsorship deliverables and association with CTF.

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Acknowledgement of Country

The Construction Training Fund acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land throughout Western Australia and pay our respect to the Elders both past and present. We thank them for their ongoing custodianship of the lands and waters, and celebrate their rich culture of art, song, dance, language, and stories.