Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses give high school students essential workplace skills, technical trade knowledge and qualifications for a fulfilling career.
Delivered to Years 11 and 12 students, VET in schools provides a practical entry point into the building and construction industry. The courses are designed to support students to transition into work and higher education pathways. Students can complete their qualifications as part of their studies and explore options in areas such as trades, business admin and much more.
We provide support to schools and parents to guide teenagers in finding the right building and construction VET course. Our team can make school life more interesting and valuable for students, while they get a competitive head start on their careers.
VET courses in Perth were first introduced in 1997 as an alternative pathway to mainstream schooling. When it began, it was designed to cater for a small number of students disengaged with school education, which could guide them on a more rewarding pathway of study and work.
Today VET has evolved into a pathway for school students who want to further their education via work-based learning and gain valuable qualifications to enhance their careers.
Building and construction VET in schools, being practical in nature, focuses on the ‘how to’ of a job. This sets students and workers up for success and once completed, earns them favourable skills for a rewarding, long-term career.
There are different options for students interested in adding building and construction VET courses to their studies. Explore the opportunities below:
VET in schools is for secondary students looking to combine their studies with practical work. It’s a fantastic option for further education, as it provides nationally recognised industry-developed training.
Courses are suitable for students looking to enter the workforce for the first time and for those who want to up skill or change careers. Students learn useful skills from leading experts in the field and can discover the best pathway to take.
Each VET course focuses on preparing students for the workforce, equipping them with first-hand experience and the expertise needed for a career in their desired job. Qualifications gained via VET can contribute to The Western Australia Certificate of Education (WACE) and may reduce time as an apprentice or trainee.
Students gain real-world benefits including:
✓ Fast and cost-effective pathway to employment
✓ Responsive, quality training
✓ Quality work experience and completed training credits
✓ Qualifications for all types of employment
✓ Making informed choices about career options and training to best meet individual needs
✓ Explore an industry without committing to a full apprenticeship
What interests you?
This is the best question to ask when considering what VET course to do. It’s important to find a career that is stimulating, which means playing to your interests and strengths.
Students should be encouraged to:
✓ Research the job market for the availability of work
✓ Choose based on interest and strengths
✓ Explore all options
✓ Talk to the teachers or career counsellors and an Industry Training Advisor for guidance and tips
VET courses are completed independently through our specifically crafted scholarships program, TAFE or another registered pre-apprenticeship program.
$500 Pre-Apprenticeship Award Students can receive a $500 payment from Construction Training Fund when they successfully complete a certificate or course.
The Pre-Apprenticeship Award can be awarded for a range of courses.
To apply for a $500 Pre-Apprenticeship Award please click the Apply Now below. If you have any questions please email info@ctf.wa.gov.au or phone (08) 9244 0100. We’re here to help.
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