Are you helping rebuild areas affected by a natural disaster? You may be eligible for extra support from CTF.
Construction Training Fund (CTF) have introduced a Disaster Recovery Construction Training Grant, designed to support communities affected by declared natural disasters.
Natural disasters covered by the grant include:
- Cyclone Seroja
- Wooroloo bushfires
- Ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie and Associated Flooding
The $3.5m investment over 4 years provides extra CTF support to employers, apprentices and trainees who are involved in the re-building process.
Employers of apprentices and trainees working in the affected regions can claim an additional grant of up to $3,000 annually until June 2025, on top of the CTF grants they are currently entitled to.
Apprentices or trainees can claim up to $1,000 annually over the same period to cover costs such as travel and accommodation.
If you are looking to upskill while working in these areas CTF is also offering additional rebates on short courses recognised in the current Upskilling and Short Courses program.

Table of Contents
Apprenticeship Grant
CTF will provide grant funding to both the employer and the apprentice who are involved in the rebuild process of Cyclone Seroja, Wooroloo bushfires and Ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie and Associated Flooding.
All construction trades and workers that contribute to the rebuilding or partial rebuilding of designated areas will be covered (see Apprenticeship qualifications).
The employer grants are available in addition to CTF Employer grants already offered.
Each employer is eligible for one grant application per year, regardless of the number of projects undertaken, or apprentices engaged within the declared disaster area.
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Total | |
Perth Based Employer | $2,000 | $2,000 | $2,000 | $2,000 | $8,000 |
Regional Based Employer | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $12,000 |
* Regional employer is one which resides outside of the Perth and Peel region
Each apprentice is eligible for one grant application per year, regardless of the number of projects or employers worked for. The apprentice may be commencing or completing an apprenticeship within the period.
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Total | |
Apprentices | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $4,000 |
For more information on eligibility and the claiming process please see the eligibility criteria below:
Eligibility Criteria
Employer must employ an apprentice (new or existing) for construction works within the declared disaster area.
Employer must deliver construction works within the State Emergency Situation Declaration area/s.
Wooroloo Bushfires
- City of Swan
- Shire of Mundaring
Cyclone Seroja
- City of Greater Geraldton
- Shire of CarnamahShire of Carnarvon
- Shire of Chapman Valley
- Shire of Coorow
- Shire of Dalwallinu
- Shire of Dandaragan
- Shire of Irwin
- Shire of Three Springs
- Shire of Koorda
- Shire of Mingenew
- Shire of Morawa
- Shire of Mount Marshall
- Shire of Northampton
- Shire of Perenjori
- Shire of Shark Bay
Ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie and Associated Flooding
- Shire of Broome
- Shire of Derby / West Kimberley
- Shire of Halls Creek
- Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley
Funding is available until 30/06/2025 backdated to the date of Declaration:
- Wooroloo Bushfires From 02/02/2021 to 30/06/2025
- Cyclone Seroja From 09/04/2021 to 30/06/2025
- Ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie and Associated Flooding From 05/01/2023 to 30/06/2025
Claiming Process
Apprenticeship Grant Claiming Process - Employer and Apprentice
Employer/Host Employer Grant
- The employer/host employer establishes if they meet the eligibility criteria set by CTF
- Download online DRCTG form, complete and submit to (additional compliance may be required)
- CTF creates a claim and processes it for employer/host employer
- Employer/host employer to provides EFT details
- CTF arranges payment to employer/host employer
- The Apprentice/trainee establishes if they meet the eligibility criteria set by CTF
- Download online DRCTG form, complete and submit to (compliance required)
- CTF creates claim for the apprentice/trainee
- CTF confirms work history with the employer
- CTF processes the claim
- Apprentice provides EFT details
- CTF arranges payment to the apprentice/trainee
DRCTG Claim Forms
Upskilling and Short Course Funding
The Disaster Recovery Construction Training Grant seeks to ensure the trades working in the areas affected by Cyclone Seroja, the Wooroloo bushfires and Ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie and Associated Flooding have access to the required skills to undertake the large variety of work in the rebuild process.
To grow the skillset of construction workers in these areas, CTF will provide a 100% subsidy for eligible applicants who complete short-training courses that are currently recognised in CTF’s Upskilling and Short Course Funding program.
This will include courses below:
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Construction Skills
- Software Skills
- Industry Skills
- Trade and Occupational Licensing
All courses within the current Upskilling and Short Course Funding program are supported.
Other courses may be eligible on application.
The cap on the CTF subsidy amount is $2,000 per participant per claim.
Funding Amounts
CTF offer a subsidy for eligible applicants to attend and complete courses within the Upskilling and Short Course Funding program.
A top-up can be requested if the Upskilling and Short Course Funding rebate has already been claimed.
There will be a limit of $2,000 per participant per claim.
There is no limit to the number of courses funded.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicant is substantially involved within the construction industry of Western Australia.
Applicant is delivering construction works within the designated disaster area.
Short course is completed within the DRCTG time period.
Short course is offered by a Registered Training Organisation within Western Australia.
Applicant is providing construction works within the designated disaster areas.
Wooroloo Bushfires
- City of Swan
- Shire of Mundaring
Cyclone Seroja
- City of Greater Geraldton
- Shire of CarnamahShire of Carnarvon
- Shire of Chapman Valley
- Shire of Coorow
- Shire of Dalwallinu
- Shire of Dandaragan
- Shire of Irwin
- Shire of Three Springs
- Shire of Koorda
- Shire of Mingenew
- Shire of Morawa
- Shire of Mount Marshall
- Shire of Northampton
- Shire of Perenjori
- Shire of Shark Bay
Ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie and Associated Flooding
- Shire of Broome
- Shire of Derby / West Kimberley
- Shire of Halls Creek
- Shire of Wyndham - East Kimberley
Funding is available until 30/06/2025 backdated to the date of Declaration:
- Wooroloo Bushfires From 02/02/2021 to 30/06/2025
- Cyclone Seroja From 09/04/2021 to 30/06/2025
- Ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie and Associated Flooding From 05/01/2023 to 30/06/2025
DRCTG Apprentice Grant and Supplementary Skills Subsidy FAQ's
I’m an apprentice, how do I apply for the Disaster Recovery Construction Training Grant?+
To apply for the grant please go to our website to check eligibility and download the DRCTG form. Once you have completed the form, please complete and send to
If successful, CTF will process and arrange payment of the claim.
I’m an employer/host, how do I apply for the Disaster Recovery Construction Training Grant?+
To apply for the grant please go to our website to check eligibility and download the DRCTG form. Once you have completed the form, please complete and send to
If successful, CTF will process and arrange payment of the claim.
I am an employer of multiple apprentices; can I receive a grant for each?+
No, there is only one grant per employer regardless of how many apprentices you employ.
Can CTF advise me whether I am eligible to receive the Disaster Recovery Construction Training Grant?+
We certainly can. You can find the eligibility criteria on our website or feel free to drop us a mail at or call us on (08) 9244 0100.
Can I receive the grant direct from CTF, or do I have to apply through my current GTO?+
Host employers and apprentices can apply and will receive the grant direct from the CTF.
I am the host of a GTO based apprentice; how do I receive the Disaster Recovery Construction Training Grant?+
CTF will use your contact details supplied by the GTO to submit a claim. If you believe you are eligible and haven’t heard from CTF please contact
When can I apply for the Disaster Recovery Construction Training Grant?+
Applications are open from 2nd December 2021. Claims can be backdated from 02/02/2021 for areas related to the Wooroloo bushfires and from 09/04/2021 for areas related to Cyclone Seroja.
Who do I contact if I’m having trouble using or submitting an application form?+
Please contact CTF by emailing or call us on (08) 9244 0100.
Where can I find information on the Disaster Recovery Construction Training Grant?+
For more information on the Disaster Recovery Construction Training Grant please call us on (08) 9244 0100.
Can I appeal the decision in relation to the outcome of an eligibility process?+
Yes, you can appeal a decision. Please contact or call us on (08) 9244 0100 to discuss the process.
How do I know if I am eligible for the Disaster Recovery Construction Training Grant Supplementary Skills Subsidy?+
There are a number of checks to be eligible for the 100% subsidy. Firstly, the applicant must be substantially involved in the construction industry in Western Australia and have worked in the disaster affected areas within the time periods stated. The course must also be offered by a Registered Training Organisation within Western Australia.
What courses are offered as part of the Disaster Recovery Construction Training Grant Supplementary Skills Subsidy?+
All approved short courses offered by Registered Training Organisations in Western Australia listed under the current Construction Training Fund’s Supplementary Skills Program are eligible for the 100% subsidy.
Once you have your course details you can contact the CTF by emailing or calling us on (08) 9244 0100. CTF will verify if the course meets requirements.
If you have done your course via a bulk billing RTO there is no requirement to claim again.
How many courses can claim the Disaster Recovery Construction Training Grant Supplementary Skills Subsidy for?+
There is no limit to the number of courses you can claim the subsidy for as long as you are eligible and they commence and are successfully completed within in the approved time period.
When can I claim for the Supplementary Skills Subsidy?+
The process for applying will be ready early in 2022. Claims will be backdated to the start of each disaster.
Is there a limit to the cost of a course subsidised by the Grant?+
No, there is no limit to the cost of the course.
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