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Apprentice Tool Allowance

Receive up to $1,000 back for work-related tools and safety equipment at the beginning of your apprenticeship, and another $1,000 after you finish.

What is the Apprentice Tool Allowance?

Eligible apprentices and trainees can receive a reimbursement of up to $1,000 for the purchase of work-related tools and/or safety equipment if you begin your apprenticeship between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2029.


A second reimbursement of $1,000 for the purchase of work-related tools and/or safety equipment is also available if you complete your training between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2029.

How do I claim the CTF Apprentice Tool Allowance?

To claim the Apprentice Tool Allowance, access the CTF Portal to register and begin making your claim.


You will need to submit the tax invoice/receipt from the purchase of work-related tools or safety equipment along with your bank account details when you make your claim. The payment will be made by Electronic Fund Transfer to your bank account.


The $1,000 reimbursement limit applies per person for commencement claims and another $1,000 for completion claims. You may claim multiple times and for multiple tools until you reach the $1,000 reimbursement limit.

When can I claim?

For the commencement allowance, claims may be made up to 11 months after commencement of your apprenticeship for tools purchased from 1 month before the commencement.


For the completion allowance, claims can be made up to 6 months after the completion of your apprenticeship for tools purchased from the date of completion.


If your commencement or completion date falls between 1 July 2024 and January 2025, you can still register and lodge your claim by using the CTF Portal.

    Apprentice Tool Allowance FAQ

    I’m a trainee, am I eligible?+

    Yes. If you are a construction trainee beginning your training between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2029 you can claim the commencement payment from January 2025.

    If you are a construction trainee completing your training between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2029 you can claim the completion payment from January 2025.

    Make sure you keep the receipts of your tools and safety equipment for purchases made after 1 July 2024.

    What tools and safety equipment can be claimed using the Apprentice Tool Allowance? +

    The following are examples of tools and equipment that can be claimed.



    • Power tools
    • Hand tools
    • Batteries – must be rechargeable
    • Starter kits
    • Accessories for tools
    • Toolboxes
    • Radios – industrial
    • Vacuums – industrial
    • Laptops and tablets


    Safety Equipment

    • Work Clothes – e.g. hi vis.
    • Safety glasses
    • Hard hats
    • Boots/shoes
    • Industrial umbrellas
    • Harnesses
    • Gloves
    • Reusable ear protection

    For further information and questions, please contact CTF.

    What items cannot be claimed using the Apprentice Tool Allowance? +

    Consumable and single use items are not eligible for Apprentice Tool Allowance claims. Examples include:


    • Paint
    • Nails and screws
    • Foam ear plugs
    • Concrete
    • Wood
    • Standard batteries
    What information does a tax invoice/receipt need to have? +

    A tax invoice/receipt must have some specific information, which includes: the words “Tax Invoice”, the seller’s name and ABN, the date the invoice was issued, a brief description of the items sold, the GST amount (if any) payable and total amount.

    Please refer to the ATO website for further information.

    I’ve claimed a previous Apprentice Tool Allowance or the Completion Tools Rebate, can I claim again? +

    Yes. The previous Apprentice Tool Allowance was a reimbursement program that covered relevant expenses incurred between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023.

    Can I claim the reimbursement if I commenced my apprenticeship before 1 July 2024? +

    No. The reimbursement is only available for apprentices who commence or complete their apprenticeship within the specified dates.

    When will I receive the payment? +

    Payments are usually processed within 30 days.

    I’m an employer. What do I need to know? +

    This initiative is designed to directly support apprentices and trainees, so there is no involvement required from employers. The apprentice is responsible for submitting any claims through our CTF portal. All payments are made directly to the apprentice or trainee’s nominated bank account.
    If you have an apprentice or trainee commencing from 1 July 2024, you may wish to send them this information.

    Please ensure that the contact details within WAAMS is up to date.

    How will this program benefit the industry? +

    This program helps make apprenticeships more attractive to individuals by assisting with the upfront costs of tools. The use of the reimbursement for safety equipment is crucial for preventing workplace accidents and injuries. Appropriate tools are also vital for skills development and attaining proficiency in a trade.

    How long do I have to claim? +

    If you are making a commencement claim, you have 11 months from your commencement date to make a claim.

    If you are making a completion claim, you have 6 months from your completion date to make a claim.

    How long will the program run for? +

    This program will run for 5 years, until 30 June 2029.

Last modified on:

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Acknowledgement of Country

The Construction Training Fund acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land throughout Western Australia and pay our respect to the Elders both past and present. We thank them for their ongoing custodianship of the lands and waters, and celebrate their rich culture of art, song, dance, language, and stories.