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Employing an Apprentice or Trainee

Employing an apprentice in Western Australia

Ready to take on an apprentice or trainee? Secure a pipeline of diverse talent today. 

Employing an apprentice or trainee can be a great investment for your business. These workers are valuable to help build your business, efficiency and helping to build the economy. When you take on an apprentice, you get to guide and mentor the next generation of workers, as well as access extensive support and incentives.

It’s not always easy for employers to train apprentices. Finding the time and funds can be a challenge for many small to large businesses.

At CTF, we offer incentives to offset the costs. It’s our aim to help promote training and upskilling in Western Australia and build a safer, more sustainable community with highly skilled workers.

There are two ways you can employ an apprentice in WA - Direct Indenture or through a Group Training Organisation. Explore the benefits below.

1. Direct Indenture

When you employ an apprentice or trainee through your business, you’re known as a ‘direct indenture’ (DI) employer.

Under a DI you work with the RTO to mentor, evaluate and regularly assess the worker’s progress. You pay their wages, super and entitlements, and receive the grant directly from CTF to reimburse expenses.

Employing an apprentice via direct indenture includes benefits for you and your worker such as:

✓ Trade-specific off-job and on-site, real-world training

✓ Direct support and funding from CTF

✓ 2-4 year training contract (full-time work)

✓ Give back to your industry with qualified professionals

✓ Build success through loyal, skilled workers

Your requirements as an employer

To make sure your apprentice gains the skills and knowledge they need, it’s essential you provide training with a Registered Training Organisation.

You’ll also need to:

  • Put a formal apprenticeship contract in place
  • Meet employment conditions such as overtime, super, annual leave
  • Provide adequate, structured training and supervision
  • Create a suitable range of work so your worker meets the trade requirements
  • Provide a safe working environment
  • Keep written time and wage records for each employee

Finding an apprentice

CTF can help advise employers on what to look for when hiring an apprentice.

You can also contact an Apprentice Connect Australia Provider. They can help you find an apprentice and Registered Training Organisation.

You can employ an apprentice or trainee on a full or part-time basis, including a school-based apprentice/trainee where possible..

The process

When you’re ready to employ an apprentice in WA, your first step is to connect with a member of the Apprentice Connect Australia Provider (ACAP). You can also get support from the MEGT, Chambers Apprenticeship Support Australia, and The BUSY Group.

You, as the employer, and your chosen apprentice sign a training contract drawn up by the ACAP who will register it with the Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD)

The AASN will assess your eligibility for Commonwealth incentives and grants. As the employer, you can select your preferred Registered Training Organisation (RTO), and the RTO will arrange a training schedule and plan for you to sign.

The RTO manages off-the-job training and maintains regular contact with you and your apprentice. If you need more support, you can contact the AASN or RTO with any queries.

You’ll receive a prompt to claim your first incentive payment from CTF six months after the commencement of the apprenticeship. CTF makes your next payment halfway through the apprenticeship, and once the apprenticeship is successfully completed.

There are also incentives for employers to hire mature-age apprentices, such as the CTF Mature Age Program and Federal Government’s Support for Adult Australian Apprentices.

2. Group Training Organisation (GTO) hosting

Businesses can host an apprentice or trainee through a Group Training Organisation on a short or long-term basis. The GTO takes on all administrative and contractual responsibilities that would otherwise be the responsibility of the employer.

The GTO recruits the apprentice and manages the training, paperwork and legal requirements. They also match the apprentice with the right employer for on-site training. Because they have the resources, processes, people, equipment and access to training, hosting through a GTO is flexible and cost-effective for the employer. 

If your apprentice is employed through a GTO, they can apply for the CTF and use it to reduce the hire-out rate they charge you to host the apprentice.

Other benefits are:

✓ Regular monitoring by the GTO to track the apprentice’s process

✓ Helps the worker complete their training successfully

✓ Flexible placements

✓ Minimal paperwork for the employer

✓ Ensures the apprentice or trainee is delivering the right skills for your business

How to get started

If you’re new to supporting and employing an apprentice in WA, please speak with our team today to find out how we can help. Check your potential grant amount below and get in touch with us today.

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Acknowledgement of Country

The Construction Training Fund acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land throughout Western Australia and pay our respect to the Elders both past and present. We thank them for their ongoing custodianship of the lands and waters, and celebrate their rich culture of art, song, dance, language, and stories.