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Is construction a good career for your child?

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  • Is construction a good career for your child?

Yes, and it’s even better than you might think.

If you’re a parent, there’s a high chance you’ve spent time worrying about your child’s future.

Are they doing well in school? Making good friends and even better choices? Are they thinking proactively about their future career? And of course, are they going to choose the right career?

What is the “right career” though?

If your child shows an interest in construction, there’s a chance this might not have been your first choice for their career. While your child might not be following in the family line of accountants, lawyers or medical professionals, or getting a degree, the opportunities and success in a construction career are greater than you may think.

Read more from Construction Futures to find out why construction is an exciting career.

Why choose a career in construction?

The construction industry is far from being solely ‘on the tools’, with many roles actually becoming very tech-centric and others even office based. This might just be one of the (many) reasons your Gen Z child is keen to pursue a career in construction.

But why else would they want to?

First of all, despite what a lot of well-wishing parents may think, it pays comfortably (we’ll run the numbers shortly).

Secondly, if your child shows a sustained interest, talent and positive attitude with the tools of the trade (if you pardon the pun), then career paths and progressions are highly likely.

Thirdly, pathways into construction are becoming more inclusive while still maintaining a high level of occupational health and safety.

What roles are available in the construction industry?

The Australian economy relies on construction to move forward. With it being the fifth largest employing industry in the nation, there’s a good chance you know someone making a living in this rewarding, booming sector.

Construction roles might include

  • Bricklayers and stonemasons
  • Concreters
  • Carpenters and joiners
  • Wall and ceiling fixers
  • Painters
  • Plasterers
  • Tilers
  • Building designer
  • Environmental designer

The most in-demand construction jobs in Western Australia right now:

  • Plant operators
  • Contract administrators
  • Bricklayers
  • Estimators
  • Project managers
  • Site supervisors

Any of the above construction roles can come with a pretty impressive pay packet, too! According to, the average Australian fully qualified construction worker’s annual salary can be just shy of $100,000.

Plenty of entry-level positions start at $70,000 annually, and just like with any profession, experience pays – with highly experienced and qualified construction workers earning a very comfortable annual income.

What about the benefits of working in the construction industry?

Are you having a tough time accepting your child is not the university type? It’s time to switch your thinking! We understand that it’s been ingrained in many parents, that the path to success lies within a traditional university education, but things have changed.

Perhaps your child has always had a way around a toolkit and an appreciation for building and crafts. Try looking at it this way: Basically, your child has talents that the whole world relies on and likely always will.

Put on your safety glasses and hard hat as we explore some of the many benefits of working in the construction industry:

  • The demand for skilled construction workers is sky high

Construction accounts for one in ten jobs in Australia. With many more vacancies than qualified candidates, the sector is one of the fastest-growing, sustainable sectors in terms of employment demand.

  • Well-paying construction careers exist – with no expensive university debt to pay back!

In this economy, starting your career with student debt is considered ‘normal’, but it doesn’t have to be. In many construction careers, you can forget about your child having to repay their student loans.

Of course, your child will still need to undertake further training to become a skilled construction worker. CTF are here to support your child by providing upskilling and short course funding, eligible allowance claims and more once they are established in the construction industry.

  • Climbing the opportunity ladder in construction is very possible

Your child entering a career in the Australian construction industry is far from linear with little opportunity for progression.  Despite what you may think, Gen Z care about professional development and upward mobility. If your child proves themselves through hard work and positive attitude, moving up the ranks can happen very quickly. This is especially likely if they receive quality mentorship along the way.

Think: apprentice to foreman, bricklayer to site supervisor in no time!

  • Women are welcomed and encouraged to pursue a career in construction

Has your daughter always shown an interest in building or trades? While some parents are generally accepting of their son’s choice into construction, they can be a lot more are hesitant about encouraging their daughters in the same way.

Employers are continuing to realise the benefit of hiring and promoting women in the construction workforce.

  • The satisfaction received when making something that lasts

Your child can help build a better world. From roads to offices, homes and hospitals to state-of-the-art venues, every construction worker plays a role in shaping something tangible and built to last.

If your child is continuously reminding you that “it’s not a phase, it’s a career!”, then it’s probably time to choose to support them in their choice to enter the construction workforce instead.

Nurture their career aspirations and come to terms with the fact that construction, both white-collar and blue-collar jobs, come with a bounty of benefits, both financial and personal.

Construction is a great career choice, and the stigma stops with you.

Is construction a good career choice for your child?

Construction workers require more than strength alone to succeed in the industry.

Here are the qualities best suited for a career in construction:

  • A willingness to learn
  • Sound reading and mathematics skills
  • Good memory and problem-solving skills
  • Communication
  • Experience with technology
  • An aptitude for building and engineering knowledge
  • Leadership and teamwork
  • A proactive mindset

Recognise any or all of the above in your child? A rewarding career in construction could be just what they’ve been looking for.

How can your child enter the construction industry?

Want to encourage your child’s interest in construction?

Here at CTF, we’ll support your child through training programs and other incentives, to help them enter the construction industry.

Here are just some of the paths you can take:

  • Try a Trade

Our fully funded Try-A-Trade program provides participants (year 9 or above, school leavers and mature age job seekers), with a unique chance to try various construction trades and there is no cost to students or schools to participate.

  • Pre-Apprenticeship Scholarship Program

We created our Pre-Apprenticeship Scholarship Program to combine work experience, training and education while helping students explore and plan career options.

  • VET Programs

Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses are designed to help high school students transition to work or other vocational and higher education pathways.

A career in construction possesses many opportunities and financial incentives that are greater now than they have ever been before.

Ready to support your child in their pursuit of a good career in construction?

We’re here to help. Contact CTF today to find out more about free resources and training incentives.

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Acknowledgement of Country

The Construction Training Fund acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land throughout Western Australia and pay our respect to the Elders both past and present. We thank them for their ongoing custodianship of the lands and waters, and celebrate their rich culture of art, song, dance, language, and stories.